Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Keyword Search : Week 11, 2006

This is the 3m30 Niche Keyword Report for selected top niche keywords for week 11, 2006. It is designed to help you in your keyword search, and as a research starting point for SEO and article creation published every week by 3m30.

Top 20 Niche Keywords

Following are the Top 20 Niche Keywords along with the number of searches recorded by Overture US, the number of sites carrying the term (reported by MSN), and the appropriate KEI calculated for each term.

Keyword Searches Sites KEI
myspace layout 1,762,333 158,107 19,643,770
brokeback mountain 771,243 171,735 3,463,568
sudoku 1,019,664 328,752 3,162,611
grillz 554,549 120,863 2,544,406
daddy yankee 1,061,938 1,075,566 1,048,483
free myspace layout 278,233 137,277 563,923
blunt james 624,566 797,711 489,003
panic at the disco 437,451 493,031 388,137
limewire 1,320,011 5,748,118 303,130
paul sean 971,694 3,661,281 257,885
grillz lyric nelly 37,324 6,821 204,234
love poem 526,300 1,447,037 191,420
panic at the disco site myspace.com 52,794 14,823 188,033
grillz lyric 38,576 8,528 174,497
song lyric 849,688 4,661,733 154,872
myspace layout site myspace.com 108,349 80,416 145,985
myspace premade layout 42,712 13,653 133,620
panic at the disco lyric 58,883 26,662 130,043
beautiful blunt james lyric youre 17,396 2,525 119,850
cute myspace layout 72,471 65,033 80,760

Terms explained
Searches : Number of searches as reported by Overture
Sites : Number of sites reported by MSN containing the key phrase
KEI : Keyword effectiveness – the higher the better

New Entries

Here are the new entries for the reporting period, along with sample key phrases, and the KEI data following the same principles as above.

Keyphrase Searches Sites KEI
mardi gras 197,947 9,438,243 4,152
aniston hair jennifer sedu style 87,777 5,617 1,371,693
dress prom 1,050,098 1,231,777 895,215
gone im when 115,290 4,359,318 3,049
wikipedia 895,388 3,788,970 211,593
yellow pages 2,147,263 52,432,649 87,936
suduko 52,907 31,643 88,460
jobs 3,827,711 111,928,464 130,899
vw auto part 6,562 1,339,958 32
blue book kelly 1,254,704 1,828,326 861,051
american idol 1,060,239 2,965,335 379,083
zac efron 294,699 24,340 3,568,098
so sick 558,047 4,343,210 71,702
tupac 419,014 1,616,523 108,611
beach 337,507 177,298,898 642
rosa parks 289,358 1,500,621 55,796

Our advice would be to go and find out everything you can about 'sedu hairstyles', and whether Jennifer Aniston has been using Sedu products, and write a feature centering around the hairstyle and a ringing celebrity endorsement, if you can find it.

If hair styling equipment is not your bag, then a feature on Zac Efron, or how to dress for a prom might have some mileage. Remember, though, that these are new entries in the meta search list, and so might not hold longevity.

Top 10

The following is the continuing Top 10, along with their sample key phrases, and KEI data calculated for them. Picking from this list will guarantee the choice of a subject that has substantial logevity prospects.

Keyphrase Searches Sites KEI
google 32,667,378 69,312,816 15,396,252
ebay 13,834,210 38,124,058 5,020,068
yahoo 13,618,523 106,709,891 1,738,022
paris hilton 1,014,219 3,850,639 267,135
girl 1,153,143 380,230,381 3,497
myspace 12,038,241 1,462,288 99,104,449
eminem 2,066,754 19,448,908 219,625
jessica simpson 1,162,455 3,231,368 418,183
carmen electra 367,007 2,583,527 52,136
game 3,857,940 289,417,962 51,426

We would point out that a high KEI does not necessarily guarantee a good keyword choice, and that the only keywords worth targeting in the Top 10 are those with a good ratio of Sites per Search. The standout favorite is 'myspace', with Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, and Carmen Electra also giving a good ratio; also research in these areas should be easy, and they could feasibly sell to almost anyone.

Global Statistics

The median number of places climbed by search terms for the period was 9.00, with 104 terms moving up, 69 moving down, and 11 staying put.

The median percentage of searches per term climbed from 0.58% to 0.60%, while the mean percentage also rose from 0.71% to 0.73% for the same period.


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