Thursday, April 20, 2006

Keyword Search : Week 16, 2006

This is the 3m30 Niche Keyword Report for selected top niche keywords for week 16, 2006. It is designed to help you in your keyword search, and as a research starting point for SEO and article creation published every week by 3m30.

Top 20 Niche Keywords

Following are the Top 20 Niche Keywords along with the number of searches recorded by Overture US, the number of sites carrying the term (reported by MSN), and the appropriate KEI calculated for each term.

Keyword Searches Sites KEI
----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- 12,757,242 1,298,799 125,305,935 1,199,148 15,171 94,783,200 3,424,183 1,749,310 6,702,659
zac efron 306,836 30,303 3,106,898
american idol 2,885,207 2,865,499 2,905,051
lowes 1,296,590 650,027 2,586,270
james blunt 979,026 389,654 2,459,854
panic at the disco 1,025,609 608,732 1,727,975
nickelback 719,745 882,226 587,188
sean paul 1,213,233 2,811,299 523,578
my space 3,980,847 36,375,917 435,649
irs 1,461,470 4,922,823 433,876
high school musical 744,272 1,311,631 422,330
lil wayne 651,645 1,042,609 407,287
shakira 1,649,923 6,932,776 392,663
wikipedia 1,166,733 3,809,410 357,343
avenged sevenfold 311,787 291,282 333,735
sears 1,153,319 4,026,289 330,365
johnny cash 615,858 1,517,328 249,966
john cena 287,675 367,276 225,326

Terms explained
Searches : Number of searches as reported by Overture
Sites : Number of sites reported by MSN containing the key phrase
KEI : Keyword effectiveness – the higher the better

New Entries

Here are the new entries for the reporting period, along with sample key phrases, and the KEI data following the same principles as above.

Keyword Searches Sites KEI
----------------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------
chamillionaire 505,410 97,345 2,624,062
temperature 376,670 24,179,852 5,868
pink 602,303 67,340,410 5,387

The obvious choice is 'chamillionaire', with the other two new entries indicating trends for the future. If these are of any use at all, they will be in providing a starting point for more refined keyword research, but we would recommend directing efforts towards the Niche or Top 10 keyword basket if 'chamillionaire' is of no help in your SEO activities.

Top 10 (New Entries)

The following is the continuing Top 10, along with their sample key phrases, and KEI data calculated for them. Picking from this list will guarantee the choice of a subject that has substantial logevity prospects.

Keyword Searches Sites KEI
----------------------------------- ---------- --------- -----------
google 29,410,556 69,486,113 12,448,254
myspace 14,018,229 1,668,878 117,750,216
ebay 13,185,991 38,369,357 4,531,490 12,757,242 1,298,799 125,305,935
yahoo 11,111,172 106,484,960 1,159,395
mapquest 8,933,286 2,233,680 35,727,409 7,856,759 4,427,463 13,942,220
lyric 1,978,454 13,962,388 280,345
girl 1,182,756 382,381,061 3,658
paris hilton 892,747 4,356,687 182,937

We would point out that a high KEI does not necessarily guarantee
a good keyword choice, and that the only keywords worth
targeting in the Top 10 are those with a good ratio of Sites per Search.

With the arrival of '', and the continuing dominance of 'myspace' in the Top 10, and an average KEI well in excess of 100 million between them, we would be remiss in not drawing attention to these two. Indeed, it is a good time for those providing quality content covering internet search engines, indexes and content hosts such as Yahoo, Google, eBay and so on; easily targeted keywords, with excellent traffic pulling power.

Of note is that Paris Hilton continues to slide down the Top 10, and fellow celebrities Jessica Simpson and Carmen Electra have quit the top slots recently. However, the 11 to 50 positions reveal that, although the Top 10 is awash with technical sites, the entertainment industry still holds appeal. Of note - Eminem (11), Carmen Electra (13), Jenna Jameson (14), Pamela Anderson (15), Jessica Simpson (18), 50 Cent (19), Chris Brown (21), Jessica Alba (23), Britney Spears (30).

Global Statistics

The median number of places climbed by search terms for the period was 5.00, with 60 terms moving up, 89 moving down, and 46 staying put.

The median percentage of searches per term fell from 0.63% to 0.58%, while the mean percentage also fell from 0.76% to 0.74% for the same period.


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